King Rox Reseller Account

What is a seller ID?

Seller ID is the unique identifier associated with your seller account. This is displayed on the left menu once you sign in with a seller account. Every buyer that you refer must enter your seller ID on the sign-up page to ensure that you get the commission.

For how much time does King Rox pay the 5% commission?

At King Rox, you get paid a 5% commission for your referred users for lifetime. No limits on how much you can earn!

What is ‘valid sale’?

A sale will be considered as valid only when a genuine user signs up on the website using your seller ID and makes a purchase. King Rox reserves the right to cancel commission if it is found that the sale was not a valid one. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Sellers using their Seller ID to create multiple accounts for purchases
  • Misleading ads to drive sales
  • Suspicious or illegal activity associated with a reseller account

Is KYC verification mandatory for sellers on King Rox?

Yes, you will need to complete seller KYC to withdraw earned amount to your bank account.

What do I need to do for selling offline with King Rox?

To sell offline with King Rox, you will need to have a desk space. For more details, check out the section on Registering as an offline seller with King Rox.

Why is periodic verification mandatory with a King Rox offline seller account?

As the offline seller will represent King Rox, our higher authority management team need to make sure periodically that you have a legit store and so it is mandatory to verify.

How can I earn money on King Rox?

You can earn money via EMP (Earn Money Program) through social media platforms. You just need to upload the videos related to King Rox and if it gets approved by our team you will earn money.

How will the offline seller get 2% commission?

If the offline buyer wins at the King Rox, the offline seller will get 2% commission from the buyers winning amount.

How to get $1000 free as an offline seller?

You can get $1000 free if you earn $1000 commission in the previous month.

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